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This union of sailing and art began almost 30 years ago when we were working on schooners sailing along the East Coast. Using an X-Acto knife, cardboard and some spray paint we created our first "crew" shirts on the dock in Miami. We've come a long way since then and have provided the Official Apparel to the Annapolis Boat Shows since around 1994 as well as founding Tradewinds Studio, a large screen-printing business still in operation in Maryland.


In November of 2017, we departed Oxford on an 18 month circumnavigation. Now we are back into our homeport of Oxford, Maryland after 32,000NM and stops in about 35 countries. We have returned with much inspiration and ideas for Flying Fish Printworks. We welcome suggestions for designs and submissions of artwork from other sailors and travelers.

The  Story Behind  Flying  Fish  Printworks...

Sailing has been our way of life for a long time while art is our other passion. We created Flying Fish Printworks to unite the two in a collection of cool and comfortable screen-printed garments. 


Flying Fish Printworks also provides the official garments to the Annapolis Boat Shows every fall.

Moonlight - The Ship's Cat
Sailing in Hapai'i Group Tonga
Elcie - 62' Sailing Cat
The Crew of Elcie

Why Flying Fish?

They are amazing ocean travelers - true quirks of nature, defying gravity as they glide effortlessly over the wave tops. Spotting one is a sure sign of entering warm, tropical waters. Basically, flying fish have entertained us during many hours of standing watch at sea and for that, we love them!


All who wander are not lost.


The route of Elcie's 2017-2019 Circumnavigation:
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Flying Fish Printworks

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